Kerr Kjarr Haplotype Again We Have

House of Kerr, Ker, Carr, Carre, Cares

Border Archæology Cessford


added vi/3/2019 MSE match to Carr/Kerr

Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm

The Ker/Kerr/Carr, are commencement to respond, but for the good old days, of the Hermitage Castle when the Ker, Scot, Douglas, Elwald, Crosar, and Armstrong rode together need to get the Ker on board. Do not know whether it is the feud with the Scot, or their Norman equally oppposed to Scandinavian influence, need to become these Ker out in force.

First of all almost a tertiary of the Ker are left-handed, and this is what left-handed means in High german;

localties of left handers

Deutschland seems to exist depression in the number of left-handed people.

Kerr tartan

Marsh dwellers, well the U.s. moose/U.k. elk are marsh dwellers;


The proper name Ker; seems to come from "marsh dweller". The visually oriented Ker place, a "marsh dwelling elk" what Americans call a "moose"  tiptop their artillery.  The Elwald of Elch(elk) wald, showing similar Y-DNA are probable of the same grouping of people split up where the "marsh domicile elk" are returning (effectually Berlin) to today. The Ker, went due north to Norway, so downwardly to Normany, and the Elkwald (Elchwald) went to Anglia. This would be consider a family dissever (Danes) which returned together in Liddesdale. These families of Lancashire seeded not necessarily their Y-Deoxyribonucleic acid, but  their surnames, which were likely adopted by the people without surnames in the Liddesdale and surrounding regions in Scotland.  MSE  11/21/2015

elg-elk-moose Kerr

European moose

Observe the coverage area of the European elk (moose).

The European elk (moose) looks more like what the Ker take on top of their crest than the American moose (UK elk).

Came to the conclusion that it is an European elk (moose) which originally was at the top of the crest for the Ker then it became a deer stag, because there were not any more European elk in the region. The name Elgwald (Elkwald) from lower Denmark, became Elfwald for the same reason.

Crest Shield Coat Ellot Ker

thenormans Ker migration,1890:kjer,1890:kjaer west=one thousand&fit=clip

in a higher place to with graphic added seven/19/2019 MSE

Above shows basic migration design for the Ker.

It should be noted, where the separate takes place is approximate region where the marsh dwelling house (Ker), elk (Elwald) are returning to on their ancient trails. Killing a marsh dwelling elk, is like borderers chasing down a cow. Both would feed a family of a skin tower.


localties of left handers Ker

Kerr Elwald migration

Y-DNA name distances Daniel modal

Data provided by Robert P. Elliott, in which information technology shows the Daniel Elliott modal , existence as close to the Kerrs as the Eliot .


Kerr name distribution of Norman migration

Above is felt to be the basic Ker migration from the southward.

Kerr surname distribution Scotland 1891

Kerr surname distribution England 1891

The higher up indicates a strong Lancashire, border, and north edge localities which y'all would wait for the Kerr.

Carr surname distribution Scotland 1891

Carr surname distribution England 1891

When the 1891 Carr are added it gives a strong Northumbrian locality the aforementioned every bit the Elwald and today's Elliot would take.

Elliot dist 1891 (2)

Elliot dist 1891 (1)

Elliot distribution Northumbria

ScreenHunter_06 May. 19 00.56

Marker Elliott                                      1/20/2014


Given the above distribution information technology is constitute the Carr are found in Cottingham, East Riding Yorkshire, with the Elwald during the later function of the sixteenth century.

Cottingham Elwald Carr

Note the proper name Ellot is besides existence used in the region of Due east Riding Yorkshire, where the two names are also beingness used in conjunction in the Liddesdale region of Scotland.

A Carre gave a history of the Elliot, and it is felt information technology is my turn to respond;

The Elliot Family Carre

Arthur Eliott calls information technology a baton, and Walter Carr calls information technology a batten.

Redheugh and Stobs shields crests

It is an elwand like the Elwald/Elwand previous to what the  Ellot were called.

A Scottish elwand is a unit of measurement of measurement standardized in Edinburgh, longer than the English m , only shorter than the French metre .

The Scottish elwand is a wand (in English; rod), a Scottish ell (an ell is a biblical measurement which many christian countries had their own ellwhich were of various lengths) in length.

The Elwald/Elwand came up northward through Northumbria, this could exist much like the Carr did every bit opposed to the Kerr, then went to Northern Northumbria which became Scotland. The Elwald being in Northern Northumbria at the time it became Scotland, then became at the fourth dimension they the northern Elwald became Scottish.

Arbirlot (meaning arbor lot) is another word for arboretum or orchard, that is were the name Arbirlot came from.

There is a Carr Hall s of where is found a Robert Elwald of 1305.

Barton, Rimington, Carr Hall, Lancashire Co, UK

Just looking at the Carr distribution pattern;

Carr surname distribution blue

And given;


It has a distribution pattern of a clan being resettled at the fourth dimension of THE Marriage OF THE CROWNS.


Mark Elliott    1/21/2014

Named Public Profiler

ScreenHunter_06 May. 19 00.56


Cessford was not killed by Gilbert of Stobs;

Though Walter Scot seems to say Cessford is kill by Gilbert  of Stobs, Stobs did non exist at time, information technology is felt Walter Scot may have stated this to go the Stobs line to marry themselves with Buccleuch.


Arthur Eliott of Stobs/Redheugh begetter of present Elliot Can main Margaret Eliott feels information technology is an James Ellot.


At the time of Cessford's decease the Ellot/Elliot family was using the name Elwald. Robert Bruce Armstrong in History of Liddesdale, feel it is an James Elwald.


10/23/2016 MSE


Michael Andrew Foster Jude Kerr, 13th Marquess of Lothian, Ferniehirst Kerr Master
Guy David Innes-Ker, 10th Duke of Roxburghe, of Cessford Ker

Information technology should exist noted that Ferniehirst, Cessford, and Roxburgh are not located in the region of the Kerr today. Though information technology is felt this region is likely the area the Ker/Kerr migrated from. Cheers to the Knuckles of Roxburghe allowing archaeologist on Roxburgh, and reply may exist given in the post-obit;

One reason is the a major urban area of Roxburgh on the Tweed, was cut off from access to the sea, when the Scottish border was placed and died off from lack of trade.

MSE 12/8/2016

10/23/2018 MSE

By Robert P. Elliott;

From FTDNA Germany v/28/2019 MSE

JOHANNES WEYERS @marker !! We do not always have to prove the origin of the word "the" or " German " . Their are lots of origins of documents that are oftentimes conflicting . We all try to scratch and find those of value and in the process too often fifty-fifty show ourselves wrong . Similar Mark Elliott


Mark Elliott response;

JOHANNES WEYERS In order for Elwald to be of the Fairbiarn I-M253 (Fair Bear) story in the genealogy of the children of the carry, 'wolf', and 'elk', the 'elk' can not exist a big deer. It has to be a 'moose', what the English and German language call an 'elk'. Because Elwald is derived from 'moose of the forest'. Since the 'american elk' is merely in the wood, the name created a branch, family unit. The 'moose' in English and German language 'elk', has a branch family in the genealogy of the family unit tree. It is the 'moose/elk' of the thickets and marsh. Never have seen an 'American elk' in the marshes-thicket, but have seen an 'English-German elk' in the marshes-thicket.




Clan Kerr /kɜːr/ ( About this audio listen) is a Scottish clan whose origins lie in the Scottish … The proper noun stems from the Old Norse kjarr which ways marsh dweller, and came to Scotland from Normandy, the French settlement of the … (notation; the People of British Isles PoBI autosomal Dna study excluding surnames groups, the Anglo-Saxon, of the 'elk of the forest' Deoxyribonucleic acid, with the Norman Dna, of the 'elk of the marsh', are in the same DNA grouping.)


The Ker(Cessford, Duke of Roxborghe of Floors Castle near Kelso, Scotland), Kerr(Ferniehirst, Chief of Clan Kerr a Tory, Lady Buccleuch), and Carr(developed accuser in the Salem Witch trials). Carr, a lady in this blog brought to my attention, her awards for the DAR Daughters of the American Revolution, and reminded me the pride my family that they took place in "stringing upwardly those Tories", especially when they laugh at "transporting the Scots equally slaves to The Colonies". It was my family being transported, for being Royalists, like the Loyalists to the crown, but ninety years earlier.


For me to get the language of my genealogy correct for my detail family unit is very important, merely in order to do proper genealogy you meliorate get it correct for your own family. The merely family I basically have to utilise every bit a model for other families is my own. It is the mechanics which I am trying to teach. Like, the one who has washed the genealogy and carries the Y-DNA, is well-nigh likely 100% in beingness right. Listen to the ladies, 'the Carr with the DAR awards', do non kick out the 'in-laws', allow for 'freedom of speech', something I experience "The Americans", need to learn from "The Europeans", because they "The Europeans", are chirapsia "The Americans", at their ain game. Of course there are in America people from Europe including the Uk.


5/28/2019 MSE


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